Sunday, June 8, 2008

Summary of last night

Tonight, i had the fortune of having one of those eventful and exciting evenings, the kind that you usually only have in college. Jason and Josh visited from out of town, Allen and I jointly invited them and Evan Kays as well but he didn't make it.We met in Adams Morgan and part of the evening revolved around us all getting girls and at the start of the evening, I was really winning.

They were all looking at girls and feeling unable to approach them, and thanks to help from Ed, I was able to talk to pretty much anyone there with some degree of success. Ed's example has really taught me a lot. At the first bar, I met one girl I really liked talking to (at first, on behalf of Jason), but the group quickly wanted to move locations every 10 minutes which increased their beer tabs substantially.

Jason started talking to one girl who I wanted to talk to and I felt discouraged that Jason started tlaking to her first and I felt bummed out and was thinking about leaving and going home. I boarded a bus and went along the bus route fora while, the bus driver noticed I was taking the bus more than 2 ways so she encouraged two girls to start talking to me, i liked talking to them, but allen called me and said they had left the dance place, so i got off the bus. Allen's friend came by but I felt blah about her so I left and decided to get a felafel on my own, when just then Josh came running down the street incredibly drunk.

Drunkedness has an interesting effect on Josh: His IQ seems to go down way more than any other drunk person. Allen was trying to find Josh and I was thinking of returning to the club where Allen was but just then, Josh gets a call from Jason saying he's at the Hampton Inn at S 20th Street, but I'm like damnit, I need a felafel. So we wait in line for the felafel, then I pretend I have some idea where the Hampton Inn is to calm Josh down and we start walking towards S 20th Street.

When we get to 20th street, there's no hampton inn, jason is calling every 5 minutes worried and then I realize, using the kind of navigation skills that noone except myself possesses in terms of knowing arlington's streets, i start to realize something: "South 20th Street"? Not Southeast 20th Street. He tells me the cross-street is Eades and then I realize, he's in Crystal City (over 5 miles away). What the hell? I ask him how he winded up there: he says he doesn't remember.So we start to walk to the metro to save money, but Jason isn't aware of the plan, so he jumps into the can and before we know it, Jason takes a cab all the way to my house.

Then we find Jason who has a pretty interesting story of his own: Mr. "I don't know how to approach girls" makes it all the way to some girl's apartment, he can't really remember how he got there or how he wound up out on the street outside the apartment. Then instead of getting out of the cab and taking the metro, he jumps into the cab, which proceeds to take them to my house but the cab driver is a D.C. cab and his newly installed meter only goes to 20 dollars, so he insists on dumping us a half mile from my house.

So we walk a half mile but this is a little difficult because Josh is drunk as hell. He bangs on street signs and I'm worried he'll alert the neighborhood watch or police but Jason keeps him under contorl and they make it safely to my house. Also, as a little bit of a prank, I tell Jason and Josh I only have one bed for them, so they're sharing a bed right now. I think I kind of feel bad about this and offer them my bed which is slightly wider, but they seem fairly content sharing a single, so whatever. I think i might take a picture and post it on facebook.

Epilogue: I decided not to take a picture, in fact, I decided that this cruel trick had gone on long enough so i was like, do either of you want to move, and they were both very comfortable where they were and didn't feel like moving. What was more interesting was that this cleaning lady who comes by once a month was coming in so she was going to see these 2 guys she didn't know sleeping with each other in this bed and she comes in at 6 am so i'm not waking up that early.

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