Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Metro Is Never Boring After 2 AM

"I like to roam"

Somebody said that last night (friday)... but it could have just as easily come from me. I ended up visiting 4 bars last night and I realized that my ideal night involves either relaxing at 1 or hopping from as many as possible. You might be thinking, well maybe the bars arent that great and that is why you keep switching bars. Nope, wrong. Think of it like the progression of DJing. At some point (probably thanks to digital music) DJ's went from playing entire songs to playing the first part of songs. Its not because the songs are worse, we just have developed a stronger sense of instant gratification. Even more than just changing bars, I even had to change groups.

The night was fun, but it wasnt as crazy as the week before, so I will skip the details. Some of the highlights include... Entering and winning my first dance off and visiting Rumors!

Now, to deal with the title. I have never been on the metro after 2 am and not been entertained. When we first got down to the platform, I got a firsthand look of what war might look like. There were a good 100 people waiting for the train, half were seated and the other half were standing, while both halves looked completely spent. I am not sure how I never noticed this before, but I really wish I had my camera on me at the time to capture this real life 28 Days Later. Another event involved this group in suits talking loudly about Republican issues and voting for John McCain. This is only funny because this is probably the most liberal (in a voting sense at least) city in the world. You could see everybody else on the metro slowly becoming more and more infuriated until they finally got off. Finally, I saw this guy who was cracking me up on another late night metro ride with his Forman Mills commercial impressions. Actually one more thing... there was a guy who got on completely blacked out and his friends were carrying a plastic bag for him in the case he got sick. I guess his friends were not paying attention at one point and as a result some good samaritans had to let the friends know to "Get him the bag!", saving some late night cleaning staff and the rest of the train in the process. The best part of all is that this was just a slow night on the metro. Until next weekend!

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