Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Movie Recommendation

Straw Dogs.

I have been watching a number of so called classics recently and somehow managed to slip into a movie coma. Earlier this year I realized that I had fallen into a musical coma after I was brought back to life thanks in part to MIA's Kala. No offense to the movies that I had been previously watching(The Last Detail, Five Easy Pieces), but they didnt have the same awakening effect as Straw Dogs.

This movie fallls nicely into the Psychological Thriller genre thanks its use of wavering tension by transforming seemingly innocent construction workers into eventual murdering menaces. Usually when I am watching movies at home, I usually shift around a million different times trying to find the most comfortable position; in contrast, I was frozen in the same position during the last hour of this movie. The only moving I really did, was in reaction to the increasing tension and that was still minimal. I would go into the plot and other typical aspects of a movie review, but I am too lazy and I think this movie is one that is much more enjoyable if you dont know how things are going to progress throughout. So check it out and let me know what you think.

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