Friday, July 18, 2008

Back to the Grocery Store

Before I hop into the most recent trip to the grocery store, I need to point out a somewhat local story. Check it out here. Apparently, we have shifted back to the Red 50's and now we can spend as much as we want to stop terrorism at home. Maryland police actually used tax dollars(fortunately not mine) to spy on anti-war and anti-death penalty groups. What threat does a group that is against violence for the sake of revenge really pose to the general populace? Maybe you could say that they might have a deleterious effect on the government, but isnt that what democracy is about? Its kind of disheartening to see the post-9/11 facism that is prevalent throughout the country. It is even worse when you think about how it only took a few misguided fundamentalists to bring down an entire country, where as in the 50's it took an entire country.

Ok, so now for the grocery store adventure. This trip wasnt nearly as eventful as the last, but there were a few minor instances that really caught my attention. The first happened when I was entering and I saw an elementary school aged kid wearing a Pre Lives shirt. If I were at a track meet or at a road race, I wouldnt find this to be a big deal; but this was at my own beloved Safeway in upper NW. I am not sure how much detail I have given to the describe the atmosphere of this Safeway, but I will say that I am a part of a heavy majority. There is at least one security and occasional police officer hanging out just in case of who knows what. Even more telling is that every time I get fish or shrimp, the guy asks if I would like some catfish with that(this has not happened anywhere else I have been, and if it did im sure it would be something other than catfish). So, when I see a kid wearing Pre Lives shirt, I am somewhat taken aback. I can only imagine what drew this kid to a white(no relation) 1970s(no relation) runner(no relation).

After shoppping for awhile, I head over to get some lunch meat and end up waiting in a relatively long-ish line. I am fourth in the line, and as I am next to order, I notice the first guy who was in line when I got there was still waiting. One of the women helping says to him "I am almost done" and he cleverly replies "I have heard that one before". She clearly did not pick up on it, but I quickly picked up on it and had a nice internal laugh.

Outside of those two things, nothing really out of the ordinary occurred.

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