Sunday, June 1, 2008

Cell Phone History Pt 2. LG VX4400

...And then there was color(and flipping). The next phone(s) I had was definitely the phone that took the greatest beating of all the phones that I have ever owned. This poor guy was phone jacked, thrown multiple times(not by me), and inadvertently egged(by me).
I first met this phone at a track meet in Richmond. We were brought together by the fact that is was my birthday and I needed a serious upgrade from my previous green screen. This phone led to the development of texting, purchased ringtones, and no more snake.
This phone made it a good 6 month without incident, but then disaster struck on a road trip to ECU. We were heading to this place called Cavern. Before we headed out, we(or at least I) got pretty belligerent and as a result remember very little from inside the club. I remember saying the place wasnt bad later on, but was quickly corrected. Apparently the place was a shit hole and nobody really enjoyed except for myself and one other guy who was equally trashed. We leave the Cavern and as we are heading back to the car I hear "Allen, somebody threw a brick through your window". This was said by somebody who is always making things up, so I didnt believe it until I was standing by my car minus one window. I ended up coming close to tears(alcohol can do that) because my phone was stolen and I had a date the next day, which was ultimately why I didnt bring the phone in with me(drunk dialing was a common occurrence in those days).
Well that ends the first of two lives of this phone(will do another post for the second life), but I think the post must go on for this turned out to be an eventful weekends. I drove back to JMU the next morning, freezing...because the tape on the window was no match for the cold and rain. I cant remember how it happened but we decided to have a party at my place that night. Thank God for Aim because without the phone, the party would have been pretty ugly. I started the night out driving people from different places in town over to the party. As a result, I was very sober and was looking for a way to change that. We didnt have parties all the time, but when we did we would save the left over jungle juice in whatever containers we could find. So we unfortunately had a bit of jungle juice in the fridge, and we(Miller and myself) proceeded to destroy all that was left and ended up destroying ourselves in the process. From this point on, the night gets good. I proceed to make out with Dena's future roommate, head over to another party, vomit all over myself as well as in the cab on the way back home. The next night at dinner, I was posed the question "Do you remember what you did last night?". I replied that I did not know, and after a few retellings and many second hand accounts, I came to believe that I actually made out with Dena. I later found out that this is when she first fell in love with me. Kind of weird considering I made out with her good friend(I dont know if she even knows about this?).
Well that is the first part of a two parter....second half coming shortly

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