Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Music You Should Know: Bon Iver

Bon Iver has a guitar and a voice and an impromptu backing band of thuds and hand claps. Bon Iver got my attention after I heard Skinny Love on his myspace page, and proceeded to list that as my favorite song that I had heard this year. A couple months later, I have listened to the album quite a few times and am always blown away. If you are a fan of singer/songwriters, this is one not to miss. I guess you could say he is a folk artist with a heavy dose of soul thrown into the mix. His voice is simply amazing, and it is even better with the great layering that is on the record.

The record For Emma, Forever Ago is one that just makes you sit, lose focus of your current task, and just listen. The length is somewhat short, but that is because none of the songs are any longer than they need to be. Each song leads to another adventure, and you are let down gently with the great final track re:Stacks. Time will tell whether or not this is a truly great album in my mind, but for now, it the album of the year.


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