Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Your Favorite TV Show Sucks

I have come to the conclusion that I am a bit of an elitist when it comes to TV. Its funny to me because I am not very serious about TV, but I am very serious about music and movies and I wouldnt consider myself an elitist when it comes to either of those. For example, I have my times when I am really picky about music but there are other times when I am as far from picku as possible, such as my Miley Cyrus - See You Again obsession. The same thing happens with movies, w here I can watch any shitty movie that you put in front of me and I have only seen one really good movie this decade.

Now back to TV... I have really only been a fan of a few TV shows during my 20's. These shows being The Wire, The Sopranos, Weeds and a few other random shows. I have just never been a big fan of shows that come on the big network stations for some reason. So whenever somebody recommends that I watch some show, I usually say "Ok, ill check that out" but am really thinking "Eh, probably not". The worst is when somebody suggests that I check out The Office... I have seen it and was not impressed...sorry.

In addition to the core shows, I have been into some suspect choices such as Sex In The City and Nip/Tuck. So if you want to hate on my hating...that should be plenty of ammunition.


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