Monday, July 19, 2010

The Friend Cycle

Is it me, or is it once you get into your mid 20s, you always have just one small set of friends*? Just a few years back, it was miller and myself + a rotating cast of ~5, traveling from party to party in search of the elusive one night girlfriend. We would feign interest in the one night stand, secretly hoping to find a girlfriend in the most unlikeliest of places.
Shift forward a few years and I have replaced the rotating cast with a consistent few. I sometimes stop and wonder what happened to the old crew? Not the rotating cast, but the guys who were around when we made our forays into the city from way out in the county. They are all still here. We hang out once or twice a year, but it feels like starting over.
I can only guess that the cast shrinks until its down to 2.

*Happy with my current set of friends

1 comment:

sophomorecritic said...

well, one of your former friends just posted now.

at least you're honest enough to admit that we were only as much use to you as supplementing your lack of a girlfriend. if i had known that i would be obsolete once a girlfriend came, i might not have voluntaerily attempted to help you so much, in retrospect