Circa Spring 2002 I was given the control of a Nokia 5110 with no idea of how significant an effect this mobile device and others like it would change my life. The numerous arguments with the first girlfriend, the abundant drunk dials, the similar drunk texts(not available with this particular phone), the receiving of numbers from girls that never worked out, and everything in between.
The picture doesnt really do the phone justice as it turned off in it. When on the phone exudes a pleasant green glow that could be compared to the grass on a clear summer day(grass from Oregon Trail that is). Seeing this phone after so many years takes me to a time of innocence, a time when I had not yet even had a sip of alcohol. It takes me back to argument after argument and a period I would definitely not want to go back to. I will say the phone was around for a few months while I was single during my second year of college, which would also mean that it was around during my first time ever being drunk. I cant remember if I was drunk or just buzzed as I only had 3 beers that night, but I remember leaving a couple of messages on my dorm room phone as I walked back to campus.
After some time with the phone I became a little tired of the boring exterior. As I was walking through the mall back at home, I noticed a stand in the middle that was selling replaceable face plates for my phone. I will say that I avoid those random stands in the middle of the mall like mink in the summertime, but on this particular occasion I ended up picking up a sweet blue/black carbon fiber faceplate that didnt really fit correctly but still made my phone look sincere.
One final awesomeness that must be discussed is the snake game. If you have no idea what came I am referring to then you didnt have a cell phone around this time but fortunately you can check the game out here.
The unfortunate day came when I had to part ways with my beloved green screen. I received a new phone as my 20th birthday present. This phone would not be nearly as unscathed as the Nokia 5110....
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