Sunday, March 30, 2008

Girls Girls Girls

I am going to start a new series of blog posts that further addresses my inability to deal with girls. This will include mostly girls that I had to help on the job and will be an ongoing series. I will also include a handy scale(1-10) that measures how close I actually came to asking each girl out.

Back when I was working at Georgetown, there were a lot more girls that I found interesting and around my age as compared to my current Chevy Chase location. Fortunately, every so often I get to work at Georgetown and that brings me to my first girl:

Ms. Hearing Impaired - I am not sure if this one had to do with the fact that she was slightly handicapped, but I am not ashamed to say I was definitely attracted to this girl. I will even go as far as to say that she was the closest that I came to actually asking a girl out on the job. This story starts with a busy Sunday, all hands on deck, when this girl comes in and starts looking at the shoe wall. I was nearing the end of working with a customer and was fearing somebody would jump into help before I could get a word in. Fortunately, time was on my side. I told her I would help her in a minute as soon as I finished up with the other customer. As I got to helping her, I asked the normal "what shoe have you past?" When she answered, she said one of the words kind of weird, but nothing to raise any flags. Early on she would ask me what I said, but that happens all the time with the way I talk, so no flags yet. I went downstairs to get the shoe she had been running in and when I came back she says "I have to tell you something..." Those are never great words to hear. She ends up telling she was slightly deaf and all the earlier interactions made a lot more sense then. We ended up making running store talk and learning little things about each others past and present. She went to Colorado and is currently a law student at Georgetown. I work at a running store... I will point out that line goes over a lot better at a running store than it does at a club in New York. I think the thing that really puts an interaction over the top is when the girl asks what your name is. Realistically I know that is just the girl being nice, but hey I can dream.

7...I was close to planning a way to write down my email.

Next up....Ms. Vutton

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