Friday, February 29, 2008


When I was in 7th grade, I was eliminated from the first round of a spelling bee due to my inability to spell the word Whirlwind. This is a word that accurately describes the last week of my life. I just counted it out on my fingers and realized that in the past four nights I have slept in four different places. I have not changed time zones in the past week, but I really feel like I have been all over the country, even if it just was the northeast.
I moved at the beginning of the week, which is in itself disorienting. Then I had to go out of town for a managers meeting for a couple days and I arrived back to my new residence late last night. And of course today is a Friday, so I am going to be shot into a weekend of frenzy. I dont think there will be too many stories from this weekend as I am officially sick. This will give me an excuse to keep it low key and let my body recover from the past week.

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