Friday, February 15, 2008

So It Begins...

I needed to create a new blog in order to separate my social life from my running life. My running log has turned into a social diary and I really wanted to get away from that. I decided that since I am not necessarily the most creative individual, that I would open up this blog to other people to help create a unique blogging community.

To start this off... I am going to continue with my previous story. Unfortunately the story mellows out after such an auspicious beginning. In the last post I was unsure if whether or not my presence was requested by this girl or her friend who just happened to be a guy. Well last night I found it was totally the male friend who was into me, and I am sure that leads one to wonder how that mellows things out. Thats a good question which I will try my best to answer.

So last night I met with this girl and a different group of friends at an irish bar in chinatown. This time, it was almost a completely different group of friends except for one of the guys(not the one who was into me). I dont think things could have went better in the situation. I end up meeting up with this group after a few drinks in Arlington. Not long after I got there her friends started talking about leaving in 20 minutes and she was saying she would have to leave to because the metro closes at midnight during the week. Well I was fortunate enough to have a car. I told her I could drive and she accepted this offer. My subconscious was way ahead of me at this point, and possibly you have caught up to my subconscious. I later caught up and realized that if her friends were leaving in 20 minutes and she did not have to worry about catching the last train... than that would leave us with some good one on one time. I was right and that makes me back to how things could not have went any better. I got a chance to actually get to know this girl and the only unfortunate thing is that I am now hooked. I guess things mellowed out last night, but the story is far from over.

Welcome to the blog...

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